... brave boys! Taking a much needed break from the the front, some our brave boys gathered in the Flounge for a break as well as camaraderie. Sporting a mullet to bring down malaria is demanding and difficult work. The stares. The dirty and disparaging looks and unsolicited belittling comments. The cold gusts of wind felt on the sides of one's head. The ignorance. All of these things and more take a toll, tiring the soul and wearing down one's resolve. But amid the laughter, frivolity, and ice cream novelties, one man was missing. Yes, the alarm was raised and there were concerned looks as skullet wearer Cole O'Hara was nowhere to be seen. But just as everyone feared the worse, President Dane Storch allayed any and fears for O'Hara. On O'Hara's absence, Storch declared, "O'Hara is not here because he's not taking a break. A skullet doesn't take a break in this war, but something tells me he won’t be turning his current hairstyle into a permanent look."
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To hear this week's TWO installments of the Red Room and Mullets Against Malaria Special on:
iTunes, click HERE.
Spotify, click HERE.