Tuesday, November 2, 2021

When it's fall...

Fingers crossed for a win

... it's broom ball season! Many of us associate fall with football, but at Steds, fall means both football AND broom ball. So, when this year's season started, Steds seniors were there, setting their sights on intramural gold. But despite bringing their A game, it's been an up hill battle. The competition has been fierce, and coupled with having to sit out last season due to Covid, it's like a Notre Dame football game. Still, the towel hasn't been thrown in just yet. Spirits remain high. On the Steds broom ball team's chase for intramural gold, Jared Walsh, Steds senior and broom ball enthusiast, declared, "It was a great showing for our Coed broomball team. This week we may not have won, but I got to live out my dream as team 'enforcer.' We all are looking forward to potentially winning sometime this season."

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room...

on SoundCloud click HERE.

on Spotify, click HERE.