Tune in Estonia...
... we have a problem. Yes, that's correct. Estonia. If you remember, the help center for all campus GrubHub Starships is located in Estonia, and recently, Estonia got a few call from Notre Dame. Recently, a Starship became disabled in between the Main Building and Steds. Breaking down in a high traffic area as well as in the middle of the sidewalk, the Starship was not only an obstacle but also a real nuisance as Estonia must have been asleep at the wheel because the Starship remained there for more than a couple of days. So long was it there, broken down, that passers-by moved the Starship to the grass so pedestrians and snow removal crews would not be impeded. On the broken down Starship, an unnamed Stedsman shared, "That thing has been there for days. I hope it wasn't transporting perishables when it broke down."To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on: