We are not alone. Oh, we may think we are, but in reality, we are not. Indeed, every time we ambulate about campus, traversing the various quads and strolling along their sidewalks, a squirrel is more likely than not, to be watching us. What are they thinking? Who knows? They're not telling... or are they? Recently, this squirrel was spotted in his perch in a tree outside of South Quad, right by the Rockne. You would never notice that he was there if it weren't for an unexplained turning of the head. But you know, he was there, watching everything. On being spotted watching the foot traffic going up and day the quad, this squirrel non-verballed, "I love watching the show. It's the greatest show around! But there are too many characters, and I can't keep them all straight!"
To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on: