Steds B Team: Our pride and joy
... stars at Steds! The Spring RecSports Schedule is in full swing, and despite Steds being, well, not at the top of the rankings, the competitive, athletic spirit of the Hall has not diminished in any way. Matter of fact, it's actually increased with Steds fielding more teams than ever. Yes, every Stedsman is giving it the old college go, and this has been most evident in the Steds B Basketball Team. Recently, Steds B Team (Gregorian Goblins) took on Baumer Hall's B team in a matchup of old hall verses new hall. It was a back and forth dog fight that ended with a 42 to 41 overtime victory for Steds! Steds B Team captain, Robert Hartz, sophomore and Michigander, shared, "Down 7 with three minutes left, we knew we had to turn things around quickly to have a chance to win. Lucky for us, thanks to our great team chemistry made from studying and bonding within the Greg (Steds 2nd floor lounge), we were able to come together as a team, clinching victory from the jaws of defeat, and pull out the comeback win of the year! Our main goal since the start of the season has always been and always will be to bring a championship back to St.Edwards and join that long line of former intramural champions seen in the SkyLounge."
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