... and his mullet. Everyone at Steds, including the rector, took a stand against malaria. Growing his hair out since June, Fr. Ralph joined our brave boys at the front, donning a mullet and doing his worse against the enemy. But his mullet just wasn't a weapon against malaria. No, it was much more than that, for it really was a way of life. Despite receiving an order to demobilize and demullet, Fr. Ralph kept his mullet as it had become a part of his everyday life, accompanying him wherever and whatever he did. Indeed, with his mullet, Fr. Ralph was never alone. Now, for the very the first time, seen in black and white filters, Fr. Ralph's mullet, a Nebraska Prairie Schooner, was captured as life was experienced. On the release of his sharing of life with his mullet, Fr. Ralph shared, "What can I say? I was young and filled with irrational exuberance just like everyone else was. I too got a mullet, but now, I can't seem to part with it. It's really a part of me."
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