Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Gentleman still...

Wandering and learning: A Gentleman always is

 ... wanders. A gentleman ponders, but a gentleman also wanders too. And that's what happened AGAIN as several gentlemen wandered to down to Dayton, Ohio, to visit the National Museum for the U.S. Air Force. Why did they wander? To broaden their cultural and historical horizons as every good gentleman should. And how could they not? After all, it was another national museum! But what made this visit most special was that former Stedsmen, now Lieutenant of the USAF, John DiLella, gave a personal of the museum. On the wandering into his backyard, DiLella stated, “I knew it would be a plane and simple good day when these fine gentlemen wandered into America’s playground, Dayton, Ohio. Spirits were high and the boys couldn’t have had a better altitude. We laughed, we loved. We were moved by the painfully sublime landscape of our nation’s aviation history. At the end of the day, however, while the gentlemen learned about airplanes, I learned a far more valuable lesson. Although you might leave St. Ed’s, St. Ed’s will never leave you.”

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