Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Martha's Vineyard & Vineyard Vines: Broderick and Littlefield

... and about. With classes over, Stedsmen are free to be out and about, and so, periodically, we'll hear where they are and what they're doing. We recently heard from Marshall Smith, a junior from California on pilgrimage in Portugal for World Youth Day and his unplanned running into incoming Steds freshmen, but today, we hear from another Stedsman coming from the other side of the country, Joe Broderick. Recently, Joe, a sophomore from Massachusetts, made his way to Martha's Vineyard, and upon arriving, he was immediately spotted by an incoming Steds freshman, Colin Littlefield. Maybe it was Joe's gentlemanly demeanor or his wearing of the Steds basic t-shirt that gave him away, but whatever it was, the attentive Littlefield didn't miss it! On the chance encounter, Broderick shared, "A few weeks ago I flew from Marshfield, MA to Martha’s Vineyard, where I ran into rising stedsman freshman, Quinn Littlefield at the airport. It was really great to make his acquaintance. For a hall of only one hundred and fifty-five gentlemen, we seem to be everywhere!"