Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Remember the...

St. Ed: You look marvelous!

... 4th of September! Yes, all Stedsmen will remember the 4th of September. This day will be a perpetual memorial for the Hall marking the return of the patron, St. Edward, King and Confessor. Back after an extensive refurbishing, St. Edward returned to campus and his plinth in St. Edward's Park unceremonious. Indeed, there was no triumphant return for the patron as he arrived in the back of a GMC pickup truck (see below). Arriving when most students were in class, two workmen quickly returned St. Ed to his perch. Once again, reigning over his realm, St. Ed's Park, and guarding the apple of his eye, St. Edward's Hall, St. Ed is back looking better than ever and a feeling of security and peace has descend upon us all. On St. Ed's return, Peter Ferraro, Steds freshman and resident New Jerseyan, said, "Today, September 4th, will always remain a special date for me because during my first meeting with Fr. Ralph, I witnessed the statue of St. Edward being placed in its rightful position. Having the statue standing on the pedestal once again is an amazing way to kickoff the school year. I look forward to celebrating St. Edward’s return with all of the Stedsmen!"


Ferraro with an empty plinth...

...which Junior Jake Harris took advantage of...

... as did their rector... one last time!

My king, my king... in the back of a pickup truck!