Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Flashback Wednesday.

Lis, Smith, and Bergstrom: Mission Accomplished.

As the second full week of classes is quickly coming to an end and as everyone is gearing up for the first football game of the year, it's time to take a look back and see where we've been. Move-In Day and Welcome Week might have come and gone, but they are still fresh in everyone's mind. This year, under the direction of Assistant Welcome Week Captains, Alec Lis and Henry Bergstrom, Welcome Week Ambassadors were directed to make a welcome sign for the incoming freshmen. This sign would capture the essence and esprit de corp of the Hall and would be posted along the path leading to Steds on Move-In Day. 

Creating these signs fell to an athletically as well as artistically talented sophomore, Jake Smith. In the end, it was clear Smith pulled out every stop to produce an exquisite welcome sign; so exquisite that the very Muses who inspired him could only cry at seeing the finished product. And pensmanship... who knew Smith had such steady hands? A triumph for such a young artist and Stedsman! But what did the Steds freshmen think when they saw the sign? On seeing Smith's creation on Move-In Day, Drew McClimon, who happen to be the first freshman arrival that day, said, "The sign combined with the complementary window washing really made me feel like I truly was a part of the Steds brotherhood."