Monday, September 23, 2019

They were...

There but in a different way...

... there... sort of. While many Stedsmen, especially the seniors, traveled to Athens, the vast majority did not. Perhaps, they cannot "dial it in" as the seniors can or perhaps there was a budgetary concern not going. Still, whatever the reason may have been, it did not mean those who stayed were any less enthusiastic for the game in Georgia. At the direct of Hall Government, a Hall game watch was had in the newly renovated Flounge where Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, various LaCroix waters, and ice cream novelties were served. Suffice it to say, the air was heavy anticipation and excitement... just like in Athens. And while the game did not go the way everyone had hoped, the Stedsmen kept their chins up. On the game watch in the now "SoHo Chic" Flounge, Jack O'Leary, Steds freshman and resident Floridian, quipped, "Overall, I had a great time watching everything with my fellow Stedsmen. The game watch confirmed that the only good thing to come out of Georgia is Chick-Fil-A."