Friday, September 27, 2024

What's the word...

Caraveo: Calling it as he hears it

… in the hallway? Yes, what is the word about this weekend's game against the Cardinals from Louisville? What is the word in 1st floor hallway? Lucky for us, a Stedsman, Joaquin Caraveo, a freshman from New Mexico, was in the hallway and was more than happy to share what he had heard about tomorrow's game. On tomorrow's home game, Caraveo said, "We can't lose to the want-to-be NFL Cardinals! Notre Dame will win this at least 49 - 3."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The reach of...

Do you see him?

... and presence of Steds is far and wide. Recently, there was a reminder of this when a peace conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. Despite the absence of Sudanese Armed Forces, negotiations between Sudan's warring parties in the Sudanese civil war moved forward indirectly and virtually. Over several days, small, but tangible, progress was made in the cessation of hostilities. And someone who was helping to bring about that cessation was none other than a man of Steds, Joe Dufour'12. Fluent in Arabic and working for the "government," Joe was at the heart of it all, literally and figuratively. See photo above. On being present for the peace conference, Dufour declined comment, but Fr. Ralph, who never says away from a quote, shared, "I am not surprised in the least!"

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... there he is...

... there's our Joe!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


A disappointed Broderick and displeased Weekly: Why no coffee?...

… we have a problem. Well, that’s what everyone in line for coffee from the Keurig coffee machine in the Greg thought. When the buttons were pushed and no coffee appeared, without any doubt, a cold shiver quietly went down the backs of many a Stedsman. Again and again, Stedsman after Stedsman tried their best to get the machine to work, hitting, over and over again, the same buttons but all to no luck. But just when disaster was conceded at 3:11pm, enter the rector. Engaging in active listening, Fr. Ralph quickly devised a strategy. First, he checked the water supply, AND something else no else thought to do… check the coffee grounds waste box! Yup, that was the problem. The coffee grounds waste box was completely filled, preventing any more coffee from being ground and served up for a much needed afternoon energy boost. On the near disaster, Joe Broderick, Steds junior and resident Massachusettian, recounted, “I went downstairs for my afternoon cup of Haag’s Blend, but was disappointed to find that the machine would not dispense my coffee. Thanks to the efforts of Fr. Ralph and a fellowStedsman, I was able to get my caffeine and make it through the afternoon.Thank you!” 

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... Haag, did any one dump the coffee grounds?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Ian: Too busy studying to smile...

... and grade inflation. Yes, grade inflation is often discussed as a serious problem confronting today's ivory towers of academia. "Run away "'A's" are flooding university classrooms across the nation and over inflating G.P.A. from California to Florida and all points in between, and rest assured, Steds is doing its part to keep the A's raining down. At the direction of President Thomas Kelly, project Steds Refresh, a refresh of common lounges and study spaces, was initiated in late May. In this refresh, the study lounge on the 3rd floor received particular attention as it was a room that given its design and color scheme was considered by all, including the rector, as down right depressing. But after the attention and complete refresh, the study lounge is now the place to be, and without doubt, will cause increased studying at Steds, resulting in, yes you guessed it, more A's and grade inflation. On the refreshed and improved study lounge, Ian Robinett, Steds junior and resident Californian, said, "The new and improved third floor study has become my favorite study spot."

This project was completed thanks to funds raised on ND Day.

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... and who wouldn't want...

... to study here!

Monday, September 23, 2024

How's he...

Passing Judgment: Davey (R) and Bacall (L) with Challenger (M)

... doing? Yes, how is John Challenger, Junior and Steds Culinary Sales Representative, doing? As we don't have customer serve cards, who knows. But we're confident that he must be doing a good job because customers keep coming back! Still, let's ask the customers... let's hear from them how this veteran Steds Culinary Sales Representative is doing. 

On Challenger's service, Calvin Bacall, Sophomore, Hall Mailman, and resident Michigander, shared, "Challenger truly soared to new heights when he surprised me with a peach milkshake from the secret menu. The balance of sweet and creamy flavors was simply unforgettable—it's clear he's a master of creating delightful culinary experiences even in the smallest of settings." 

Still yet, Jimmy Davey, Junior and resident Pennsylvanian, said, "It is a pleasure to witness Challenger work his magic in the kitchen. You can tell his paninis are made with love!"

P.S. Happy 21st Birthday John!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

The place to be!

... from Notre Dame. Here is a night view of the Grotto. This photo, taken by Maurena Benedict, Notre Dame alumna and mother of Stedsman Braeden Benedict '19, captures how the Grotto is always a place to visit. It is always a place to visit, especially on a football weekend, but it's also a place to visit, even at night time. Enjoy this view, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday Squirrel.

Do you see me?!

Our furry friends' hiatus continues, and as they vacate the spotlight, we can now focus our attention on some other campus friend. Who is this friend? It the large milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). Spotted around St. Mary's Lake, this large milkweed bug was found on, well, you guessed it, on the milkweed plants. Brightly colored, the large milkweed bug isn't afraid of being spotted by others. Matter of fact, he's counting on you spotting him, especially predators. Why? His bright color is a warning that if eaten, he's noxious! On being spotted, this large milkweed bug non-verbaled, "Hey, I am off the menu. Just saying."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Friday, September 20, 2024

What's the word...

Brodie: Calling it as he sees it

… in the hallway? Yes, what is the word about this weekend's game against Miami of Ohio? What is the word in 1st floor hallway? Lucky for us, a Stedsman, Jack Brodie, a sophomore from Texas, was in the hallway and was most willing to share what he had heard about the impending showdown on the gridiron. On tomorrow's home game, Brodie said, "It’s going to be a BIG win!”

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Thursday, September 19, 2024

They say...

Smith: No waffling

... the devil went down to Georgia, but Jacob Smith '22 didn't go there. Instead, Smith went down to Raleigh, North Carolina. Well, actually, Smith lives there. Recently, Smith hunkered down at a local Waffle House. Why? Well, Jacob came in last place in his Steds Fantasy Football league, and as a result, he was punished with the Waffle House Challenge. What’s that? Smith had to spend 24 hours STRAIGHT in a Waffle House. But there was a way to lessen this punishment. How? By eating a waffle, and with every waffle consumed, Smith got one hour off.  The above photo was taken after his seventh waffle. On participating in the Waffle House Challenge, Smith shared, “While the culinary expertise at the House of Waffles could not stand up to the chefs at Ed’s Eatery, the staff’s southern hospitality eased the burden. It undoubtedly was a grueling 14 hours; however, the one thing I hope to impress upon the young men in the Hall is, if you’re stupid enough to make the bet, you better be brave enough to honor it!”

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.