Monday, April 30, 2018

It was a great day...

Welts, smiles and loads of memories...

... for paint balling! Taking to the open fields and obstacles courses, over forty-five Gentlemen once again engaged in their annual inter-hall paintball games, pitting roommate against roommate, friend against friend, floor against floor, and Stedsman against Stedsman. Of course, it was all done in a spirit of brotherhood. In the course of the day, some Gentlemen discovered they were bad shots while others discovered they shouldn't have worn bright colors that made them easy targets. Shots were taken and lumps appeared... but fun was had by all. 

On paint balling for the last time, Steds senior, Alex Cervantez, said, "What a way to start the end of the year with some friendly competition, pitting brother against brother for two hours in the arena in the scenic woods of Michiana. Though the welts from paintballs aimed true and straight may fade, the memories last forever. Thank you to all those who donated to Steds during ND Day to make this memory and future ones possible."

Fellow senior, Andrew Wentzel, said, "I only got shot five times. So pretty much as good as any other day."

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Your Sunday picture...

White snow has now become white flowers!

... from Notre Dame. With the arrival of warmer temps, everything is now in bloom. The first to bloom were the crocuses. Whether you encountered them in the wooded areas around the lakes or somewhere on campus, their arrival not only brought some color to campus but also signaled the end to the snow. Enjoy the April flowers, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday Squirrel.

A sphinx in a tree

You never know where our furry friends might be. But when you see one, you might be surprised to discover they have been watching us. How long have they been watching us? What are they thinking? Moreover, why are they there? That's exactly what I thought when I encountered this squirrel hanging out with a walnut in a tree around St. Joseph's Lake. Enjoying the view of the lake? Catching some rays? Who knows because he didn't even bother to non-verbal something. Instead, our furry friend gave a blank stare. Well, I hope our furry friend enjoyed his walnut!

Friday, April 27, 2018

It's official...

Carson and Sarah Barnes

...they're married! With Fr. Ralph witnessing and with fellow Stedsmen present, Sarah Barnes ’15 and Carson Barnes ’15 were married at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Pittsburgh. It was a beautiful and sunny day, and it was only made more so was this radiant couple. Meeting during their first week at Notre Dame and running into each other over and over again in seemingly coincidentally ways, Sarah and Carson realized something else was at work. Of course, the right is history. On witnessing their vows, Fr. Ralph said, “I cannot remember a time when I didn’t see Carson without Sarah and Sarah without Carson. At one time, I thought their admission as students was a two-for-one! Witnessing their vows was only the natural evolution of a relationship rooted in love for the other and God. God bless Sarah and Carson!"

The happy couple!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Steds on the...

Looking good!

... go. Whether it's on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific, atop a snow covered mountain, or a monument like the Coliseum in Rome, the St. Ed's Family likes to make its presence known. That's what happened recently at the Grand Canyon when Frank Spesia '15 sported his Steds tote bag as he hiked the national park. On his "hiking," Spesia said, "I was not in the best shape for this grand hike, but with the bag, I had the best style. Sometimes it's not about how you play, but about how you look."

In other news...

Frank Spesia '15, Stedsman and former Resident Assistant (RA), will be returning to Notre Dame for graduate studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs AND to St. Ed's as the NEW 3rd floor Assistant Rector (AR). With great joy and happiness, Steds welcomes the return this Gentleman, and on his return, a Steds junior, who was a freshman at the time when Spesia was an RA, said, "Excited? Of course we are. We get to take another crack at him!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cheer, Cheer for

Donnelly (R) and Fagan (L): Not a law firm, just ND Cheerleaders

... old Notre Dame! We know how enthusiastic the Gentlemen of St. Edward’s Hall can be for all things Notre Dame. However, two freshman, messers Charlie Donnelly and Conal Fagan went one step further and sealed a place on the cheerleading team of the Fighting Irish. Two intense days of final practices culminated in their tryouts. Suffice it to say, but the tryout was filled with anxiety and nerves and, you guessed it, cheer. Despite the fatigued muscles and tired minds, they rose above the challenge as the Gentlemen do and succeeded in this endeavor!

After making the team, Fagan said, “Never did I think that I would be doing cheerleading at college. It’s a bit of a difference from the usual arena of the soccer field but I am excited about the journey that lies ahead for us all. I can assure you, throwing people in the air is much easier than it looks, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am delighted that I convinced Charlie to join me.” 

BUT IT’S NOT OVER! The resident Irishman, Fagan, will be going one step further when he attempts to become THE ND Leprechaun. No challenge is too great for this Stedsman, and “Lepreconal” has a certain ring to it.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Because of you...

A Fr. Ralph meme created especially for ND Day

...Stedsmen, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, grand and godparents, friends, people of goodwill, Saturday’s squirrels, pets… and anyone else who we are forgetting...THANK YOU for your support this ND Day.

It is because you that we are once again the #1 residence hall this ND Day, and if you are counting, this is the FIFTH year in a row as #1! 

On St. Ed’s showing this ND Day, I don’t think that words, no matter how witty or eloquent they might be, can capture how grateful we all are. It is truly humbling, and though it might sound trite, all we can say is, “Thank you.”

Indeed, many, many thanks... and all of our love!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Pulling out all the stops...

... and moves too! While the Gentlemen are emailing, texting, and meme-ing, others are taking to the stage. Yes, a number of Gentlemen have gone in front of the camera on the ND Day stage at the Duncan Student Center and shared their unique stories, accomplishments, and much more during the 29 hour show. To see the show, click here.

If you want to go right to the highlights and see the stories coming from Steds, click on the links below.

On the Steds perfomance of the 80's classic, Take on Me by A-ha, David Chaudoir, a friend St. Ed, said, "The combination of camaraderie and calisthenics allowed the Gentlemen of Steds to 'take on' the competition with an amazing level of energy. Bravo and, dare I say, encore?!!"

AND folks, if you want the show to continue at St. Ed's... VOTE NOW!

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s… Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Your Sunday Picture...

Gotcha! President Edwards interviewed by Steds very own Matt Turk

... from Notre Dame. Today marks the start of ND Day, and Steds is at it again, reaching far and wide asking all Stedsmen current and past, all friends of St. Ed's, and all persons- even animals- of goodwill, to vote for St. Ed's. Yes, the Stedsmen are calling and texting, evening "meme-ing," everyone they can to ensure that this year's campaign is successful and that the life of Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall carries on. Personally directing campaign efforts at the Steds' ND Day Operations Center in Dahnke Ballroom at the Duncan Student Center, President Cole Edwards said, "We had a great time at the ND Day telethon today making the final ND Day push and securing our dominant position as the number one vote earners. Of course, we are concerned about the competition, especially Russian influence and Cambridge Analytica, but we're confident that we can hold them off and shut them."

To help the kids and St. Edward's Hall, click HERE

Saturday, April 21, 2018

The call goes out...

Haag rallying the Steds forces

... on the eve of ND Day 2018. Yes, the call has gone out to all Stedsmen and friends of St. Ed's to rally to the Steds banner and take a stand with Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall. As always, the odds are against us, and so, ALL must rise and do their duty to Hall and King. On the battle that lies ahead, Fr. Ralph Haag, C.S.C., said, "Stedsmen of the world... friends of St. Ed's... all persons of goodwill, and pets too, unite for Steds and old St. Ed!"

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s… Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

Friday, April 20, 2018

What he wants for ND Day...

Felton: Running the distance for Steds

Go the distance for kids! VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s… Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

On the tenacity and resolve of the Gentlemen to be the number one residence once again, Danny Felton, Steds sophomore and Steds gym user, said, “I refuse to get off this treadmill until Steds repeats as the highest point earner of ND Day. Your move, donors!”

In other news...

Despite high spirits, the Steds B Team for soccer, Big Cats, went down against Keough, forfeiting the game. On the loss, Matt Lupo, Steds junior, said, "The pride fell to a combination of factors, including poor conditioning, lack of possession, and not having enough players to start the game."

Steds Big Cats: The Pride regrouping in the Flounge

Thursday, April 19, 2018

What he wants for ND Day...

Fr. Sorin is standing with Steds.

ND Day is so important to St. Ed’s that everyone, and I mean everyone, is weighing in on the matter, from why they should help Notre Dame’s oldest and most storied residence hall to how they would like to see the funds dispersed. Even the Founder, Fr. Sorin, is weighing by providing a clear "sign" to give and vote for St. Edward's through the mural of him in the second floor study lounge, the Gregorian. You can't argue with that!

We know where Fr. Sorin stands, but here's how you can stand with him and his beloved St. Edward's...

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s. Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What he wants for ND Day...

Sansone: Wishing for washing help...

It’s true. The impact of ND Day on Notre Dame’s oldest and most storied residence hall, St. Edward’s, is truly amazing. 

How St. Ed’s finishes determines what we can do for the following year… and with recent budget cut backs that have targeted St. Edward’s… how St. Ed’s finishes is more important now than ever. 

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s…Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

On what he would like for ND Day, Patrick Sansone, Steds freshman and Hall Mass pianist, said, “What do I want for ND day? Well, another washer would be nice!!!”


fellow Steds freshman, Chris Susco, said, “I would love for the ND Day funds to be put towards the expansion of Steds. Of course,  Zahm Hall would have to go, but the plus would be that there be a bigger Sted's footprint on campus. Seriously, I would love for the ND Day funds to be put towards the continuous improvements of our hall all the way from little things such as entertainment in the lounges to big things such as new furniture in the rooms or hall outings."
...while Susco is hoping for some home improvements. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

What he wants for ND Day...

Swift needs your help...

The impact of ND Day on Notre Dame’s oldest and most storied residence hall, St. Edward’s, is truly amazing. 

How St. Ed’s finishes determines what we can do for the following year… and with recent budget cut backs that have targeted St. Edward’s budget…how St. Ed’s finishes is more important now than ever. 

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s…Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

On what he would like for ND Day, John Swift, Steds freshman, said, “Higher ceilings on the first floor.” Sorry John, but that’s a tall order…


Fellow freshman, Peter Haley, said, “Personally, I would love to see funds from ND Day go towards a heating system for the reflecting pool in front of Hesburgh Library. Such an investment would definitely make those early-morning November “floating” sessions much more enjoyable. More realistically, I would love it if the funds were used to continue the tradition of wonderful opportunities in St. Ed’s.”

...and so does Haley.

Monday, April 16, 2018

What he wants for ND Day...

Worth is worth your votes!

After Moms’ Weekend, Notre Dame Day is my most “favorite-est” day of the year at Notre Dame. Why? Because the impact of ND Day on Notre Dame’s oldest and most storied residence hall, St. Edward’s, is truly amazing. 

How St. Ed’s finishes determines what we can do for the following year… and with recent budget cut backs that have targeted St. Edward’s… how St. Ed’s finishes is more important now than ever. 

VOTE NOW and make a gift of $10 with a credit or debit card and give all five votes to St. Ed’s… Whatever you do, it will be much appreciated because your ten dollars and votes can really go a long way for this small hall.

ANYONE CAN VOTE... dads, moms, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, pets, all people of good will... so spread the word to give and vote to St. Ed's.

To see what we have done with past funds, click here.

To give and vote for St. Ed’s, click HERE.

On what he would like for ND Day, Ben Worth, Steds junior, said, “I’d like for us to be able to continue our great traditions, like the Yacht Dance, provide abundant Chic-fil-A at any and all Hall events, and improve all things that need to be improved at Steds.”


Joe Trzaska, Steds junior and former Steds Hall President, said, “If we have another successful ND Day, I’d like to see the Hall outfit new President Cole Edwards with the security detail he deserves. I went without, but he shouldn’t have to. And if lost him… we’re all sunk, and we're sunk, there goes campus.”

Keep Trzaska and Steds afloat with your votes!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Moms' Weekend Continued.

Steds Senior Moms: Cindy Olmanson, Debbie Ryan, Joanne Herrfeldt, Lynette Roemer, Stacy Carr, Katrina Haley, Charlene Sherman, and Maria Schelhorn

After our Soirée Bienvenue, Welcome Soirèe, at the Jordan Hall Gallery, it was time for Déjeuner, breakfast, at North Dining Hall. Yes, it was a departure from brunching at South, but we were happy to move to North so that the fire code was broken by exceeding the maximum capacity of South. Still, North Dining Hall's recent renovation was an added consolation. After brunch and a free afternoon, it was on to Dîner d'honneur, honorary dinner, at the Downes Club at Corbett Hall. Suffice it to say, it was unbelievable location to host a dinner for our honored moms. With a string quartet, a wondering magician, and photographer taking formal photo of moms and sons, Moms Weekend was a active affair. Still, a pause was taken for dinner which was followed a game of "Know your Mother." It was a fun filled event, and it was sad to see it end. On the evening, Steds senior mom, Debbie Ryan, mother of two Stedsmen, Connor '13 and Brandon '17, said,

"Today brings to a close my final Sted’s mom’s weekend. It was just four years ago that I met my son’s best friends from the dorm and their moms at my first Sted’s mom’s weekend. 

Since that time, those Stedsmen have become like sons to me and their mom’s like sisters. We have supported each other, carried each others  burdens, celebrated our son’s successes and prayed together as we and our sons faced opportunities and challenges. We’ve had tailgate parties and slumber parties. We’ve watched basketball games packed in hotel rooms at the Morris Inn and watched football games ‘together’ on live text stream from our respective homes in all corners of the US... from New York and DC to Chicago and California. We have hugged each other and laughed together. We have laughed a lot!! 

Today, in Mass, we sat together, we sang the Alma Mater together, we prayed together and we cried together. 

Reflecting on this last Sted’s Mom’s weekend, I wanted to say how grateful I am. I am grateful for Notre Dame, for St Edward’s Hall and for Fr Ralph - Sted’s guiding hand and loving spirit. I am grateful for both of my (biological) Sted’s sons and for all my Sted’s sons and I am grateful for their Sted’s Mom sisters. 

In a few short weeks our sons will graduate from Notre Dame.  They are going hither and yon to pursue their destinies. Yet, I have great faith that our Sted’s family shall remain strong forever!"

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Enter Moms...

Steds: Friends, family, and food

...for Le Programme Week-end des Mères also known as Moms' Weekend 2018! Last night at the Jordan Hall Gallery, festivities got off to a great start with Soirée Bienvenue, or Welcome Soirèe. With Dan Rahill at the helm as this year's commissioner, this year's celebration has none less then 104 moms in attendance with over 21 aunts, grandmas, and sisters present as well. All of this equals ONE FUN WEEKEND. On the weekend, SarahThorpe, stepmom to Aidan, said, "Plane ticket: $450, weekend fee: $150, opportunity to meet Father Ralph and the mothers of the other Stedsman: priceless.”

Friday, April 13, 2018

Don't look mom...

All smiles...

... but he's losing his hair! Well, he's going bald not because of genetics but by choice. Yes, Pat Digenan, Steds sophomore, has completely shaved his head as part of Notre Dame’s “The Bald and Beautiful,” a charity event to help draw awareness to and raise funds to fight pediatric cancer. In LaFortune, as others looked on, some aghast, Digenan and other brave souls joined the likes of Bruce Willis, Howie Mandel, Larry David, shedding their hair all in an effort to fight pediatric cancer. On going bald, Digenan said, “Sure, it's a spur of the moment decision, but I saw how cool it looked and how it impacted a great cause. I knew I was going bald at some point… I just don't have the patience to wait 5 years.”

If you would like to keep your hair BUT join Pat in the fight, click HERE.

...he's still smiling.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Room Picks Night...

Proxy Joe Corcoran: In Room Pick's pole position 

... was last night, and like all Room Picks Nights, it was filled with anxiety and excitement, disappointment and joy, and of the course, the antics of the Hall Staff. With the posting of lottery list numbers that determined order of room picking and the maps of available rooms in the Hall, the calculations, crafting of plans and contingencies started in earnest, AND it all come to an exciting conclusion last night in the Flounge. Gathering in the Flounge, lottery numbers were called, and then, selections were made in Fr. Ralph's apartment. After a selection was made, RA Jack Kill, like an Irish fishmonger of old, yelled out the room number that had been selected, sometimes eliciting no response or sometimes just the opposite- a great sigh of disappointment. The whole event lasted a total of forty-five minutes with everyone getting a room in Notre Dame's oldest and most storied hall- the one, the only- St. Edward's Hall!

On selecting the first room of the evening, Joe Corcoran, Steds sophomore and proxy for Charles "Chuck" Rioux who had the number one room pick, said, “'Someday I’ll be able to tell my kids I had the first overall room pick' -Chuck Rioux - Joe Corcoran."

Still, to hear from someone who experienced the event that is Room Picks Night for the very first time, Chase Miller, Ohioan and Steds freshmen, said, "The atmosphere was electric - some of the top prospects for rooms made it to the freshman, specifically 109*, and we were excited to say the least. All in all, I think the night went well for everyone, and I’m looking forward to next year even though I didn’t manage to get into the paradise that is 109." 

*Room 109 is Fr. Ralph's apartments.

Pictures provided by Hall Photographer, Luke Golichowski.

All smiles in the beginning... many rooms, which one to choose?

Me? I am a graduating senior here to watch the drama...

...and the show began.

Kill: Don't mess with Texas and certainly not this Texan.

As Fr. Ralph tries to throw monkey wrench into the works...

...Rutherford makes room selections final.

Where did all the smiles go?