Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday's Squirrel.

Not so friendly: Red squirrels

With our furry friends taking a break this Saturday, some close cousins are stepping in for this post. Yes, red squirrels, smaller but just as zany, are stepping in, sharing their antics and more. Seen more around the wooded areas of campus and lakes, red squirrels are a bit more skittish than their furry cousins, but they are just as defensive and territorial. Walking about the lakes, this red squirrel was spotted in a tree, giving a small, but real, shout out to keep moving. On being spotted, this red squirrel non-verbaled, "I mean it. Keep moving!"

Thursday, June 27, 2024

What are they...

Celebrating America and more: McClimon, Campbell, and Stornetta

... doing? Yes, what are our Stedsmen doing now that they no longer have classes to attend, papers to procrastinate writing, nor any thing else for that matter, especially if they have graduated?! Indeed, what are they doing this summer?! Well, some are enjoying a bit of leisure time, enjoying America's pastime, a baseball game. A trio of Stedsmen, Drew McClimon' 23, Patrick Campbell '23, and Cam Stornetta '24 were recently in Denver taking in a Rockies' game. On the summer fun, McClimon said, "Baseball games aren’t about baseball. They're about enjoying the company, having overpriced beer, and celebrating Cam's graduation. Congratulations Cam!"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Always a stand...

Steds: Looking good!

... out. Yes, Steds is always a stand out even from a plane. That's right, even from a plane. Taking a spin in jet plane, Stedsman, David Hale '23, looked out his window and was surprised to see Steds and the campus of Notre Dame. On the sight, Hale shared, "Even at 30,000 feet, I can confirm that Steds stands out as the stateliness building on campus!"

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

... from Notre Dame. Yes, a beautiful view of Mary, the Dome, and summer sky. But the one thing that this picture doesn't communicate is the HEAT! It's hot, and with the AC off line at Steds, it's more than a bit unbearable. Still, enjoy, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

Friday, June 21, 2024

If he could have...

... then he would have! Yes, Fr. Sorin would have wanted to be in Southern California! Moving operations, Steds headed west to an annual parish assistance assignment at Newport Beach, and you guessed it, the sun is OUT. As May grey became June gloom which they gave way to perfect sun and great temps. And yes, the surf is up and a cool breeze is coming off the ocean, but getting a base tan for the summer is hard work. Really. Still, it been a pleasure seeing ND Alumni and Stedsmen in the area, but sadly, it has all come to an end. On Western Steds, Fr. Ralph said, "How long am I staying? Not long enough!" 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Steds gathering...

Fr. Ralph with Steds mom...

... in the West. Thanks to the hospitality of Mike and Alice Flynn, ND grads and parents of Stedsman Mike Flynn '12, the Steds family in Southern California gathered at the Flynn home. Enjoying refreshing beverages, margaritas, and Californian specialities, tacos, and of course, great company- the extended Steds family- a great time was enjoyed by all. 

On the gathering, Dana Maas, mom of Stedsman Davin Mass, shared, "We recently gathered at the gracious home of Alice and Mike Flynn, celebrating the cherished summer tradition of Father Ralph's California visit to Queen of Angels Church. Under Father Ralph's compassionate leadership, the young men of St. Edwards Hall are not just students; they are family, bound by the nurturing spirit of Notre Dame. We are immensely blessed to be part of this community, where faith and family are the cornerstones of our collective journey. Father Ralph’s dedication reminds us all of the enduring values that make Notre Dame not just a place of learning, but a home!"
... and having a great time!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Best of...

... the Gentlemen's Monthly. Yes, NINE years ago today, here was today's posting. Enjoy this blast from the past!  

Something else that...

Looking good takes some work every now and then getting a little attention over the summer is the Main Building. That's right... the Main Building's brick work is being cleaned and tuck-pointed, but you would never know it. Why? Because work is only done during the night! During the day the Main Building hosts the usual summer visitors- and the occasion "working" University official- but at night, right at 8pm, when everyone is gone, a host of workers descend on the Dome, lighting it up with portable lights and start power brushing away. On being right next to the summer construction, Fr. Ralph said, "It's great. The workers don't bother visitors and those who work in Main Building, and for those of us who live here on campus, they only work up until 2am."

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday squirrel.

White tails be here!

With reports of an albino squirrel on campus swirling about, there has also been reports of "white tails." While the albino squirrel hasn't been spotted, squirrels with white tails, or simply whites tails, have been spotted. Surprisingly, whites tails are not the exception but rather normal. These two white tails were spotted grazing on Library Quad. On having white tails, these white tails non-verbaled, "We love them. It's all the rage!"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Western Steds...

Soaking it all up

... is preferable to the real Steds right now. Why? Because like clock work, the heat and humidity of Northern Indiana have returned, making everything insufferable, and again, like clock work, ALL AC units are off line. But who cares?!  It all has given way to the sun and surf of Orange County California. On moving Steds out west, Fr. Ralph said, "I am enjoying the change of scenery, and as always, I am adapting to the local way of life. Wish we all could be Californian!"

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Best of...

... the Gentlemen's Monthly. Yes, TEN years ago today, here was today's posting. Enjoy this blast from the past! 

Off to the races!

Stedsmen at Belmont Park with the Lady Lobaccaro

Recently graduated Stedsmen traveled from the "unfashionable West Egg" to Elmont, New York, for the 147th Belmont Stakes. With hopes high for a Triple Crown winner, everyone was in good spirits up until the race finished and California Chrome loss. On the 4th place finish of California Chrome, Dan Rish said, "Now how am I going to pay my student loans?"


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

Another great day comes to a close

... from Notre Dame. Here is a sunset view of campus with the Basilica's steeple and Mary and the Dome in the background. It was a beautiful scene as the sun sets on another great summer day, and the picture says it all... that another great day is on its way! Enjoy and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Best of...

... the Gentlemen's Monthly. Yes, TEN years ago today, here was today's posting. Enjoy this blast from the past!

Saturday's Squirrel.

If you don't mind, I'd rather have some more of that leaf.

This squirrel is really enjoying his afternoon "leaf snack." When I looked at this furry campus neighbor, her non-verbals said, "This is really good tree leaf."

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's been a...

Sam and his dad at La Sagrada Familia... 

... busy Spring Semester, but for some Stedsmen it was a big vacation. Yes, some Stedsmen never stopped their summer vacation. How? By studying abroad of course! One such gentleman is Sam Jenkins. A native of northern Colorado, Jenkins went to Spain this spring for a three month vacation. And amid all the learning paella and sangria, what fun he had. On his time abroad, Jenkins shared, "My extended vacation called 'study abroad' was nothing short of extraordinary. New friends, laughter, and personal growth. To top it all off, my dad, Joe, met me in Barcelona before we head off to Istanbul and Greece with my mom, Kristynn, brother Ben, and sister, Claire. And for the grand finale, Jenkins men will be heading to our roots in Ireland for my cousin's bachelor party before his long awaited wedding this summer and much needed break. Go Irish!" 

... touring and taking in the sight...

... and when admiring all this...

... one has to take a break afterwards!