Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Squirrel.

What a mess...

Our furry friends are taking a break so that another campus critter can be showcased this Saturday, the bumblebee. Spotted in the hibiscus plant on the west side of Steds, this bumble bee was having its best day, hopping from one flower to the next. Caked in yellow pollen particles, this bumble bee had found more than enough nectar for the day. On being spotted, the bumblebee non-verbaled, "Would you happen to have a napkin? I need to clean up a bit before retiring to the hive."
... but he's loving it!

Friday, August 30, 2024

The fourth floor...

Steds loves the attention

... is at it again. Well, it's the fourth floor ceiling and the roof of the Hall to be exact. Recent heavy rains on the first day of classes caused Steds to develop a leak. Water began dripping from the ceiling in the area in the area of the main staircase, dripping and dripping all the way to the third. Spotted by eagle eyes Ryan Davey, sophomore and Mom's weekend commissioner, the leak was reported to maintenance who responded the next day. Cranes and a number persons began investigating the problem only to report in the end that there was NO leak, only an improperly closed roof hatch. On the discovery of an improperly closed roof hatch, Fr. Ralph said, "It's not a blow torch causing a fire on the four floor, then it's a hatch on the roof causing a flood on the third floor. For the love of Steds, be attentive to your work!"

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A unique...

Rodrigo studying...

... studying opportunity. Yes, that's what Rodrigo D'Arriga Schmidt Souza, Steds freshmen and resident Brazilian by way of London, was enjoying when studying in the "Gregorian" or "Greg" for short, the second floor lounge at Steds. Named in honor of Luigi Gregori, the Vatican painter who painted the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building, the second floor lounge affords users air conditioning, comfortable seating, access to the Keurig coffee machine... AND the views of the Gregori mural! Depicting Fr. Sorin receiving golden rings for a baptism that he performed, the mural was the first mural painted by Gregori at Notre Dame and is the focal point of the room. On studying in a lounge with a beautiful and historical mural, D'Arriga Schmidt Souza, with a smile, said, "It's distracting."

... as the Founder gazing upon him!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The learning continues for Toups! 

... how to get food delivered to your residence hall is just as important as learning whatever it is that one learns in the classroom at ND. Really, it is! Why? Because all this learning requires food! Food is necessary for the powering of the brain, especially young brains like Paul Toups. This freshman from Louisiana was in need of some sustenance, and instead of stopping the learning and fight the long lines at NDH for food, Toups opted to have his food delivered to him at Steds via the Grubhub Starship service. For a small fee, food from the various on campus eateries, like Chick Fil A, can be delivered right to one's residence hall. And we thought we were living high with drive through service! On using the Starship service, Toups shared, "It was fun and convenient all at the same time."

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The first day...

Mackie: Delayed Start

... of classes for the 2024-2025 academic year have started! While the weather for move-in was superb- certainly the best for in the past nineteen years- the weather for the first day of classes was the typical Northern Indiana hot, reaching near 100 F. But then, in the afternoon, there was a sever thunderstorm that unleashed rain, hail, thunder, and lightening... and I mean lightening.. the likes that campus hadn't seen all summer. Still, spirits are high and the zeal for learning palatable among the Stedsmen, especially for the fourty-five newest members of the Steds Family. One of those new members is freshman Henry Mackie from Larchmont, New York. On the first of classes, Mackie said, "Classes? I didn't go... because I didn't have any."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

Looking good

... from Notre Dame. It's Move In Weekend, and today, upperclassmen return to the Hall. As they do, they'll notice a few changes around the Hall, both inside and outside, but they'll notice that some things haven't changed. What's that? That's it's hotter than Hades! Enjoy, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Move In Day!

At your service: the Steds Welcome Week Committee...

The energy and excitement of the Steds Welcome Week Committee was visible and on display as the newest Stedsmen arrived and took up residence in their new home. With perfect temps and absolutely no humidity, it bested last year’s Move In Day weather. Under the direction and tutelage of Tommy Kelly and Henry Lee, with assistants Ryan Hyer and Zach Zywiec, the Welcome Week crew worked efficiently not only unloading the car of baggage but also washing car windows. And ALL of this was done with a smile and with no requests for a tip!

On the Move In Day experience, Lois, ND parking attendant who directed cars to Steds, said, “The men were great! They unloaded cars in record speed. If this were the Olympics, then they would get a gold medal! And I even liked their music too!” 

... rolled into action...

... while Kelly, Lee, and Zywiec direct...

... they even shut doors...

... looking for more cars to unload...

... celebrating after another successful move in...

... and took a much deserved break...

... it truly was a beautiful day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

What are they...

Cline and Crabtree enjoy the beach...

... doing? Yes, what are our Stedsmen doing now that they no longer have classes to attend, papers to procrastinate writing, nor any thing else for that matter, especially if they have graduated?! Indeed, what are they doing this summer?! Well, some are busy at play, and that's certainly what Steven Crabtree '24 and Robert Cline '24 are doing... playing. Cline, who graduated this past May and moved from Southern California to Boston, drove down to meet up with Crabtree on the Cape (Cod). Native to the area, Crabtree knew all the ins and outs of the area, even where to fish which helped Cline to catch his first fish ever. If that wasn't enough, Crabtree and Cline ran into Marcus Boggan, Steds Australian exchange student, who was working on Martha's Vineyard for the summer. When it rains, it pours! On playing at the Cape, Cline shared, "May this serve as a reminder to all Stedsmen that the relationships you build in the Hall are lifelong. This is also a reminder that life isn’t all (but mostly) downhill after leaving Steds.” 

... Cline with the one that didn't get away...

... Crabtree knew what he was doing...

... and then they caught an Australian, Marcus!

Monday, August 19, 2024

What are they...

Fr. Malloy, CSC with Robuck

... doing? Yes, what are our Stedsmen doing now that they no longer have classes to attend, papers to procrastinate writing, nor any thing else for that matter, especially if they have graduated?! Indeed, what are they doing this summer?! Well, while attending Mass for the Assumption at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland, Joe Robuck, Steds sophomore and Steds pianist, ran into Fr. Ed “Monk” Malloy, CSC, former University President and now in-residence priest at Sorin Hall. Small world getting smaller indeed! As always, Fr. Malloy was delightful and humorous until he asked Robuck where he lived on campus.  When Joe said, "St. Edwards," Fr. Malloy feigned innocence and asked, “Oh, is that one of the newer halls?” 

On the hearing this, Fr. Ralph, Rector of St. Edward’s, shared, “Everyone wants to be a comedian, even priests. I say, don't! Stick with your day job!”

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Squirrel.

One man's trash, a squirrel's treasure!

When you're soliciting handouts, you got to take what you get, and if you do, then it's always a feast. But some times, just some times, you really do get a feast, and that was the case for this furry friend who got a cashew nut. Dropped at lunch but saved from the dust bin, this nut was given to this squirrel who approached Fr. Ralph outside Corby Hall. On enjoying this special treat, this squirrel non-verbaled, "Lucky day!"

Thursday, August 15, 2024

A brush with...

St. Edward's Coat of Arms...

... St. Edward? Well, sort of. On a recent visit to Cambridge, Ned Vogel stop by King’s College Chapel at the University of Cambridge. The chapel is considered of the finest examples of late perpendicular gothic English architecture and has the world’s largest fan vault. Funded by Henry VIII, the chapel was built from 1446 to 1516, and has large stained glass windows, an early rood screen, AND the coat of arms of St. Edward the Confessor. Why? When there were many competing persons for the English throne, the coat of arms of St. Edward and its use gave legitimacy to the reigning monarch that he was the one... and that's something Henry and his successors needed. On seeing St. Edward’s coat of arms, Vogel said, “To see our great Hall represented so prominently across the pond is a true testament to the impact we as Stedsmen have made around the world and throughout the millennia.”

... at King's College Chapel...

... with a lot of stain glass and fan vaults!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The gridiron...

A friendly...

... became a pitch. That's right. Notre Dame's football field was reconfigured into a soccer pitch as campus hosted Chelsea FC and Celtic FC for a friendly (competitive but friendly game). The crowd was clearly for the Blues from London as it was awash in blue, but there was a considerable presence for the Scottish club too, donning their green and white stripes. Even though it was a friendly, each side wanted a win, and the game was no sleeper. Packed by shots, surprises, and of course, goals, fans were entertained throughout, and if you were a Celtic fan, then you left with a smile as Celtic won 4 to 1. On the game, Fr. Ralph said, "Even though there had to be a loser, I hope everyone is friendly after this friendly."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room On the Road on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... but there had to be a winner.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

Looking good!

... from Notre Dame. The heat and humidity have left campus, and surprisingly, it's just a bit chilly around here. No lie! It really is. And that's a great thing, especially when the Hall's AC units have been off-line since April! Enjoy, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room On the Road on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Friday, August 9, 2024

It's official...

Fr. Ralph with the newly married couple...

... they're married! With Fr. Ralph witnessing and the Steds family present, Mariam Chamilova of Russia and Canada and Ian Weber '17 of Steds were married at the Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a beautiful day with all the thunderstorms, wind, and hail happening the night before. Indeed, nothing could put a damper on this special day nor the radiance of this bride and the beaming pride of the groom. On the wedding, Jake Wittenberg '17, Stedsman and Best Man, shared, "I may have been the best man, but Ian is REALLY the best, man! We are so excited for Ian’s marriage and couldn’t be happier to welcome Mariam into our Steds family. (INSERT RUSSIAN WORD FOR CHEERS)!"

Congratulations and best wishes Mr. & Mrs. Ian Weber!

... Wittenberg and Kevin Schmidt following Jake's epic speech...

... and the partying went on long into the night!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room On the Road on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Another faithful and...

Goodbye and Godspeed

... good friend has been lost. Yes, just when we all thought that the felling of trees was over, it was not. Another faithfully and good friend, a tree that looked like a bush, in St. Edward's Park was felled. Like the sugar maple tree, this tree, which Fr. Terry Ehrman, CSC, claimed was the only one of its kind on campus, interfered with badminton and bocce games as well as taking photos with the statue of St. Edward. On the tree being felled, Fr. Ralph stated, "I cannot express how irritated this tree made me and others, especially when taking photos. Wherever that tree is right now, we hope it's in a better place."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room On the Road on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer is...

It's back!

... over. Well, if you are a rector it is. Yes, summer continues on for our students, but for our rectors, the sun has set on their rest and relaxation as Rector Training Days start. Beloved, they are not, but necessary should a rector wish to return and assume the mantle of hall rector at Notre Dame. For some rectors, it's their first Rector Training Days, but for others, like Fr. Ralph, it's his eighteen. What can be learned? You would be surprised. On having to endure his eighteen rector training days, Fr. Ralph remarked, "It's the unknown price of wearing the Steds crown. I do it for the kids!" 

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room On the Road on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Squirrel.

Striking gold!

For our furry friends, it's lean times at Notre Dame. With students still away, squirrels cannot count on handouts from the students. So, they really have to buckle down and forge. Some times they looking in the all the wrong places, but other times, they seem to be finding something worthwhile. Still yet, at other times, they happen to be at the right place at the right time. And that was certainly the case with this squirrel who happened to be at the right place to receive a saltine cracker. On receiving a handout, this squirrel non-verbaled, "THANK YOU."

It's Christmas in August because In the Red Room is returning soon. Look for its release on iTunes and Spotify!