Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pulling out...

... all the stops. Yes, the Stedsmen are pulling out any and all stops as they prepare for the battle against their sworn enemy, malaria. On the eve of heading off to war, every Stedsmen is doing his duty to King and Hall to ensure a victory for the kids and a pounding for malaria. And when say everyone is doing everything they can to give Steds the advantage in this war, I really do mean it. On a recent trip to the staff at Gordon Food Service (GFS) gave an unsolicited donation, hoping to impart some encouragement to our brave boys. On having authentic Indianan popcorn in Flounge, Rhett Bianchi, Steds senior, resident Illinoisan, and soon to be a "mulleted" Stedsman, shared, “Fueled by popcorn, the men of St. Edward’s Hall and I couldn’t be more ready to sport our mullets in this fight against malaria. Thank you to GFS for the help in this battle!” 

Good luck to Bianchi and our brave boys!

To do your part in this fight against malaria, click HERE.

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.