Bifone: Putting the band back together
... it was not, but nevertheless, the band broke up. Sad, but it's true. The ND March Band broke up today, and as it did, Nick Bifone, Stedsman and band member, returned his uniform to the Ricci Band Building. Though he might have a smile on his face, it was a terribly upsetting day for Nick, for returning his band uniform was a big goodbye on so many levels. First, Nick has to say good bye to the band, and second, he had to say good bye to an old friend, his uniform. Having sweated so much in it, why, it's practically a relation to him! On the band breaking up, Bifone shared, "The past season, from Ireland, to El Paso, and to our own stadium, this uniform has kept me warm, sometimes a little too warm. It’s too bad the band’s breaking up, and I’m giving it back now, just when I’d need something like it to get me through the cold. But, hey, like they say in 'Life is a Highway,' and no matter how cold it gets, 'we’re survivors.'"
In the Red Room will return after all the dust of Syllabus Week settles. Stay tuned because you haven't heard anything yet!