... over. You know the party that is Notre Dame football is truly over when you see the sight that was seen headed south, away from campus, on Eddy Street. Yes, early in the morning, the blue port-a-potties that were conveniently positioned about campus, were collected and hauled away until next season. Positioned for our convenience but often the target of hooliganism, our blue port-a-potties were always there for us. Taken away from us with the close of the home season, rest assured, they will return. On the port-a-potties leaving, Cian Weekly, Steds freshman and resident Nebraskan, shared, "Just as when the groundhog sees it shadow, the removal of the port-a-potties is nature’s way of indicating the end of the football season and 6 more weeks of winter."You STILL can look dapper in a Steds bow tie or tie. To purchase, use this link, click HERE.
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