Thursday, October 11, 2018

A picture is...

The Hall Photo 2018 (bottom left)

... is worth a million words, but at Steds, the Hall photo is worth that and more. And what is the more? It's the chance to be immortalized in the hallway of Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall. Yes, the Hall photo, taken the day after the Yacht Dance Day, has now been printed, framed, and professionally hung in the first floor hallway, joining the many other Hall photos. While Fr. Ralph and the Hall Staff may no longer be able to stand on the portico (for alleged safety concerns), the Hall photo still captures the uniqueness of the Hall and its residents- the Gentlemen. On being immortalized, Dan Riley '18, former Stedsmen and captured it this most recent Hall photo, said, “One of the few things that would get me out of bed early over the years. Seriously, given the impressive nature of the men in this photo, I am sure that somewhere down the line this picture will make it onto the news or a documentary to regale his college years. Then, at last, I will be able to say, ‘Look Mom! I’m on TV!’”