Friday, October 12, 2018

The days are...

In the background: What are Frs. Ted and Ned thinking?

... growing shorter, and soon, very soon, the water of the Hesburgh Memorial Library will be drained for the winter. But that day is not today nor was it during Stanford Weekend. Once again, in keeping with their practice, the Gentlemen took to the reflecting pool and floated. Surely, the Steds floating activities helped the team trounce the Cardinal that day.  But what will keeping the Gentlemen from floating? Will the absence of abnormally blue water stop them? Will below freezing temperatures keep them shuttered in their rooms? Will a loss on the football field- perish the thought- sideline them? Nay! None of these things will keep the Gentlemen from discharging their duty and commitment to King, Hall, and the Float. On participating in the game day Float, Chris Meissner, Steds sophomore and faithful floater, said, "The Stanford Float this year was one of the best yet. With dozens of family members and onlookers, including a dog who decided to join the fun and jump in, it was clear that the energy of the first top ten matchup in 13 years at the ND football stadium could only take us one place: the reflecting pool. Stanford was a nice day so it was an easy one, but even when it gets cold and you’d rather get some extra sleep than jump into that blue water, the Gentlemen of St. Edward’s Hall will continue to put on their most ridiculous outfits and make the run to the Library because tradition matters, and this is one that we refuse to let die.”