Tuesday, February 27, 2018

They came...

Yerkes and O'Brien: People you don't want to meet in the ring

... they saw, and they boxed! Steds last two Bengal Bouts fighters, freshman Dan O'Brien and senior Patrick Yerkes made appearances at the Semi-Finals of Bengal Bouts held at the Duncan Student Center's Dahnke Ballroom. Amid a strong showing from Steds- a showing that was so boisterous and rowdy that had to be reprimanded- these two boxers held nothing back in the ring. The crowds were not disappointed as many good hits landed and both matches went for all three rounds. At the end of the night, Yerkes advanced to Finals while O'Brien went down in what should have been a split decision. Regardless, they have the admiration of us all for their skill and dedication! On the boxing as a freshman, Dan O'Brien said, "I couldn't be happier. All said, I had a great year in the program working with the coaches, captains, and my fellow Stedsmen. Currently, I'm ecstatic for Yerkes' final fight, and ready to come out swinging next year, " and as a senior, Yerkes said, "We made it!" 

Again, many thanks to all our Steds boxers, and the best of luck to Yerkes!

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