Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Spotlight RA.

Jack Kill: Always professional

The real secret to St. Edward's Hall is its staff, particularly its resident assistants (RAs). These dedicated, undergraduate seniors are to the Hall as the secret sauce is to the Big Mac... indispensable. Who are these seniors? Let's put the spotlight on one of them... the 3rd floor resident assistant, a Texan, a Houstonian, and an avid Astros fan, Jack Kill.

St.Ed: Why did you become an resident assistant (RA) for your senior year?  As a senior, you should be dialing it in, sipping hot cocoa in your pjs.

Kill: Good question. While my buddies are running off to Chicago, New York, and D.C. to secure jobs and rub elbows with America's elite, I'm dedicating my senior year to the Gentlemen of Saint Edward's Hall. Why? - because as Master Samwise pointed out, "there is some good in this world...and it's worth fighting for." Saint Edward's Hall, its residents, and its traditions are a shining spot in a world looking for light. I'm honored to be in a position to help this hall shine brightly for all to see.

St. Ed: Many times those who live on the third floor feel like Texas. With more Stedsmen calling the third floor home, they tend to dominate everything… from elections to intra-hall competitions. So, how do you help your residents have a healthy amount of humility less they become too big for their breeches?

Kill: Well, for starters, I've recruited Sted's AR Jimmy White to acquire some hair shirts for my residents, and I've contacted each resident on the third floor about starting a regular regimen of fasting, prayer, and alms giving. I'm hoping that these practices will inject a good sense of humility in a very successful group of men. However, a spirit of competitiveness does pervade the third floor. To paraphrase our Commander-In-Chief, "If your on the Sted's third floor, we will win in everything we do."

St.Ed: Rumor has it that you played soccer in Europe? That you were the back up to Christano Ronaldo.

Kill: Yes, the rumors are true. I was Christiano Ronaldo’s backup. I spent a brief ten day stint in Spain during high school, and I trained with both Real Madrid and the Spanish National Team. I could've been a star, but alas, school work and my mother called me back to Texas. Ronaldo should consider himself lucky.

St.Ed: Being an RA for over a three weeks now, what’s something that you learned about the Hall?

Kill: Apparently before the renovation, our elevator closely resembled the elevator in the Los Angeles morgue. Who knew? But now, the elevator looks classy. You get in, and you cannot help but think, “I am in the elevator at the Ritz Carlton in Beverly Hills.”

St.Ed: What would you want your legacy to be at Steds?

Kill: In the immortal words of Julius Caesar, "Veni, Vidi, Vici": "I came, I saw, I conquered". But in all seriousness, I hope that my legacy at Steds is comprised of the various interactions with the Gentlemen everyday. I hope that through my work, I can help the Gentlemen of this hall strive for excellence: excellence in their faith, academics, areas of personal interest, and most importantly as a Gentlemen of Saint Edward's Hall.

Thank you Jack for all that you do!