Tuesday, September 3, 2024

It was...

Here comes Steds...

... a game to remember, both on and off the field. We all know what happened on the field, but what was happening off the field, both before and after the game. Well, a lot, and the Stedsmen were there. Gathering as planned or running into each other by chance, the Stedsmen assembled at College Station to cheer their Irish on as well as reunite and renew friendships and reminiscent of past times. Indeed, fun times were had before and, thankfully, after the game too. One of those in attendance was Drew McClimon '23, resident Ohioan and former RA. On wearing his Steds Yacht Dance shirt to the game, McClimon shared, "To anyone going to a road game- wear a Steds shirt. You never know who you’ll run into!"

Manny '17 (L) with McClimon '23 and Gallagher '23

... with and Alec Lis '22 and Pete McKeon '18 & '21

... and Alvendia '24 (far right) on TV!

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