Fischer: He's free!
... can mean only one thing. He's a free man! And that's certainly the case for this freshman and resident Arizonan and Phoenician, Patrick Fischer, who finished ALL of his finals on the final day for all exams. Finishing in late afternoon, a quiet, but exuberant, Fischer returned to Steds with a big smile, sending a clear signal to all that the strife was over, and now, it was time for packing... and football! Indeed, Fischer left the Hall as a first semester freshman, but after that last final, he returned as a second semester freshman... the grades are just a formality. On completing his first Finals Week, Fischer said, "Right now, at this very moment, I am reminded of the words of Mahatma Ghandi who said, 'Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle, and a victory.'"
Congratulations to all our finals takers, and now, enjoy your break!
Yes, finals are over, but here are some pictures of other study breaks, smiles, and fun times shared during the crucible called Finals Week. Enjoy!
Leading the way, PTK and VP Clinton...
... enjoying Mission BBQ...
... Darren enjoys a Chick Fil A breakfast...
... while Michael goes after the doughnuts!
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