Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Steds Mass Duo: Alvenida and Robuck

... answered. Plain and simple, Steds was in dire need of a piano player. Not having an in-Hall piano player, Steds was forced to hire a player from another hall. And while all were appreciative of the capable players that helped out, everyone quietly wanted to have a Stedsman behind the Steds Chapel piano. And in August, Steds prayers were answered as  Joe Robuck, freshman and Marylander, entered Steds to start his Notre Dame career. Then, out of the blue, Robuck offered to play the piano, and well, the rest is history. Now, we're half way through the semester, and how has Robuck's playing been? Great question. On Robuck's and his playing, Isaiah Alvendia, Steds senior and Mass cantor, shared, "God has answered the prayers of all Steds mass-goers with the arrival of Joe, a Stedsman pianist! From his debut Mass, Joe has continued to rock the house down, especially during Wade in the Water. We are very lucky to have him."

In the Red Room is on hiatus but will return next week!