What is Notre Dame Day? It’s a day of celebrating Notre Dame’s mission, a day that engages, informs, and inspires people to take action to further the mission of the University. We hope that you tune in, take action, and help the great work of Notre Dame’s OLDEST AND MOST STORIED RESIDENCE HALL- ST.EDWARD’S.
Why is it important that you help us? Because the support received from you on this special day directly helps the Hall as well as helps determine the amount of ND Day funds from the University Challenge Fund to be distributed to the Hall. It’s simple. The more support we receive, the more ND Day Challenge funds we receive. And these funds mean the world to us!
Who can give and support St. Edward’s on ND Day? ANYONE... So encourage ANY and EVERYONE to support St. Edward’s!
How can I give to St. Edward’s? Go to the ND Day website, and look for us under residence halls, or type St. Edward’s in the search bar. Remember to type “Saint” or “St” and the rest should magically appear (St Edward’s Hall). You can also go to the Hall’s web page for further instructions at http://www.steds.com.
What will St. Edward’s Hall do with its funds? Lots of things! Type in “ND Day” in the search box on the Hall’s blog site, and see what we have done with last year’s funds. Still, check out what we’re hoping for this year by visiting the Gentlemen’s Monthly, the Hall’s daily blog site: https://stedwardshall.blogspot.com.
But isn’t St. Edward’s just being greedy? NO. Perish the thought. Give for the sake of giving… Give because of possible tax breaks … and if not for that, then give because IT’S FOR THE KIDS, the Gentlemen of St. Ed’s.
Please support us on ND Day!
All our love,
St. Edward & The Gentlemen of St. Edward’s Hall
To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room...