... needs you! On the eve of battle, Ryan Johnson, Steds Mullet Commander, is hitting the hallways of St. Ed's. As he goes down the hallowed hallways, with rousing words and spirit, Johnson is calling his fellow Stedsmen to war against malaria. Without doubt, he is imparting courage to the weak of heart, calming the nervous and anxious as well as moving those who are on the sidelines of this fight to get involved. And that is something Steds junior, Greg McKenna, knows first hand. While McKenna may have been on a three month vacation, studying abroad in Spain last semester, it doesn't mean he is any way exempted from service in this war. Simply put, sangria and sun do not equal an exemption, and this was made clear by Johnson as McKenna returned to the Hall this evening. On the personal reminder, McKenna said, "Ryan reminded me that even if I’m not blessed with his luscious hair, it is still my duty to get a mullet FOR THE KIDS. If people don’t like how I look, well, they should donate to get it shaven off my head."