Wednesday, April 21, 2021

It's back...

Gonzalo: Dreams do come true

... for good! Yes, a very dear friend has returned to Steds after a very long hiatus. It's not a matter "who" as much as it is "what." Yes, "what" we're talking about is the return of the Steds basketball hoop! At the beginning of the pandemic, the basketball hoop was removed to prevent the spread of the Covid. Yes, one day, without any warning, they came and took it away. Sad day indeed, and suddenly, our beautiful basketball hoop, the envy of all men's halls, found itself anything but that. It became Simon without Garfunkel... a Cagney without Lacey... a M without another M. BUT... with Fr. John Jenkin's announcement, that the student population had reached its target vaccination rate of ninety percent, some COVID restrictions, including the prohibition on basketball hoops, would be lifted! And just as the old friend had suddenly disappeared, it suddenly reappeared, and there was great rejoicing. On the return of the old friend, Brian Gonzalo, Steds sophomore and baller, said, "I woke up this morning thinking it’s a great day to have a great day. Then I walked outside and saw the most beautiful thing. She was bright orange with beautiful curly hair, hanging low. I no longer had to think about having a great day because it was already the greatest day.... I had met my match and there she was out in the Steds driveway."


After an Easter hiatus, here's the next installment... In the Red Room... a Hall podcast bringing you the life and times of Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall, St. Edward's, from, well, you guessed it... the Red Room at St. Ed's. To listen, click HERE.