Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Kids in...

Kolodychak: the picture of an on-line scholar 

... quarantine. These are serious times, and the epidemic that grips our nation and world should not be taken lightly. Currently, the kids are away from Steds and the University. The spring semester has come to an abrupt end, but life continues. Tonight, we hear from Alexander Kolodychak, Steds freshman, who had some time to speak from his home Erie... after his on-line classes were over of course. Enjoy.

St. Ed: With the University's residence halls, including the oldest and most storied, St. Ed’s, shut down, where are you these days?

Kolodychak: With the closing of the one and only St. Edward’s Hall, I am now left to attend “Zoom” University from my hometown of Erie, PA. If you are familiar with the city of Erie, you know that I have absolutely become bored out of my mind and have gone borderline insane. Nevertheless, while public health concerns remain a high priority, I wish to return to our “Home Under the Dome” ASAP.

St. Ed:  As in-person classes have been nixed for the rest of the semester, how have you found on-line classes?

Kolodychak: After beginning online classes through the infamous “Zoom” platform, I have found it exceptionally difficult to remain motivated. The option to either wake up early and do work or sleep in until two has resulted in my choice of the latter much too often recently. Furthermore, I have to say that sitting in an uncomfortable desk in my room while looking at my laptop all day has been exceptionally uncomfortable and monotonous. However, I have high hopes for the remainder of the semester.

St. Ed:  Clearly, you have more time on your hands than ever before. So, what are you doing these days to pass the extra time?

Kolodychak: With an immense surplus of free time, I have essentially been hibernating over the past several weeks. Regardless of the fact that school is technically back in session, I refuse to leave the 50 foot radius surrounding my bed. While this newfound hobby has been exceptional for my mental health, I fear the future consequences of this behavior on my GPA.

St. Ed: During your sojourn away from Steds, do you miss anything?

Kolodychak:  While away from our beloved hall, I absolutely miss being surrounded by my fellow Stedsmen. I enjoy family time as much as anyone, but this extended break has made me appreciate the St. Ed's community to a much more significant degree. Even with higher quality meals, someone who helps do my laundry, and a bed that isn't 8 inches away from the ceiling, I would go back to the Steds experience in a heartbeat.