Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Kids in...

Gavin: Bringing "balance' to the Shust Family

... quarantine. These are serious times, and the epidemic that grips our nation and world should not be taken lightly. Currently, the kids are away from Steds and the University. The spring semester has come to an abrupt end, but life continues. Tonight, we hear from Gavin Shust, Steds freshman, pianist, and resident New Yorker, who had some time to speak after his on-line classes. Enjoy.

St.Ed: With the University's residence halls, including the oldest and most storied, St. Ed’s, shut down, where are you these days?

Shust: Since the University shut down, I've been back in New York with my family. Although I always miss my Home under the Dome, it has been nice seeing the sun set over the barn and eating my Mother's dinners again. I am trying to convince my Mom to make southwest salads on Thursdays to help my Notre Dame withdrawals. 

St.Ed: As in-person classes have been nixed for the rest of the semester, how have you found on-line classes?

Shust: With the cancellation of in person classes, the transition to online classes hasn't been too hard. Most of my classes are graded based on in-class participation, but since literally nobody can be physically in class, my professors have dropped that requirement and moved assignments to be open book. Hopefully this gives me the nice bump that my GPA desperately needs.

St.Ed: Clearly, you have more time on your hands than ever before. So, what are you doing these days to pass the extra time?

Shust: Even with the extra time, I still find myself doing a lot of the same things that I would be doing if I was in Steds. I walk everywhere I need to go (because I really haven't left my home) and the permacloud has followed me to New York so I still am waiting on warm weather. Also, every Sunday night, I play all of the songs that we would have had at Steds mass, even though my family has a very different reaction to Wade in the Water at 10:45 at night.

St.Ed: During your sojourn away from Steds, do you miss anything?

Shust: I miss my clothes most of all. I mean yeah I miss all of my friends and stuff, but I only packed one duffel bag full of clothes before coming home. I didn't pack a pair of sneakers and I have a surprising lack of socks. But honestly I miss working in Ed's. It was a great way to see all of my friends and get my late night cravings of pizza sticks. Also my bank account always appreciated the paycheck from Ed's