Thursday, January 16, 2020

Forgotten, but not...

Fagan and Lis: We're in good hands!

... completely forgotten. Here's a story from this past summer. Conal Fagan, Steds junior, visited America's playground, Southern California, and was the guest of Steds sophomore, Alec Lis, native Californian. While many know Lis as the recent Welcome Week Assistant Captain, they only know half of this standout Stedsman. What most Stedsmen don't know is Lis is also a lifeguard... like Bay Watch lifeguard. If you're at a beach in Southern California, then there's a good chance Lis could is watching out for you. Taking Fagan to his beach post, Lis showed Steds resident Irishman life guarding  Southern Californian style. On their beach watch, Lis said, "Lake yachts to oceans and ocean to beaches, Stedsmen always have you covered.”