Monday, January 20, 2020

A Changing of...

At the helm: Shust 

... the guard. As a new semester started last week, there was also a new start for music at the Steds Chapel of Sts. Edward and John. Patrick Sansone, chapel pianist for the past two and half years, made an exit from the Hall to study abroad in Perth, Australia. But before he left on his three month vacation, knowing his time was coming to an end, Patrick sought to continue his tradition of providing superb musical accompaniment for the Steds weekly Sunday Mass. So, he found his replacement, Gavin Shust, and what a replacement he found! But let's hear from our new "piano man," and hear how things are really going. Here's what Shust had to say when I caught up with him.

St.Ed: How did you start playing the piano?

Shust: Like many other children, I was forced at a young age to take piano lessons by my parents. Unlike my siblings who mostly despised practicing piano, I never stopped and enjoyed doing it. I continued to play, eventually picking up the guitar as well. 

St.Ed: Well, lucky us, piano and guitar! Say, I heard your big debut was this past Sunday. How did it go?

Shust: As Patrick Sansone prepares to study abroad, I have officially taken over as the sole pianist for Steds. After some intense hours practicing in the chapel, I was as prepared as I would ever be for my first solo Mass. When I chose the songs for this week, I only picked songs that were my personal favorites. I believe that mass should be upbeat and a fun time for everyone involved, and based on the amount of singing (or yelling) during We Are Called and Wade in the Water, I think they had a good time.

St.Ed: What is the most challenging aspect of being the Steds Mass pianist? 

Shust: I would say that the hardest part is definitely filling the shoes of Patrick Sansone. Not literally filling his shoes because I have small feet, but he has proven to be an exceptional talent that the Steds chapel will miss dearly. But he's gone and I'm here now. Until he comes back next year, but that's a later problem.

St.Ed: How do you deal with all the fame and fans?

Shust: The fan mail has begun to become a little excessive, but I have loved the warm welcome from the Steds community.

Good luck Gavin... play well, play well!