Thursday, January 31, 2019

Extreme Weather Day...

Brannan: Satiated genius on an extreme weather day

... part two. The extremely cold temperatures continue to have a firm grip on campus and much of the Midwest. And while the weather managed to close down the University for a day and a half, but something that was not shuttered was Ed's. Thanks to Devin Crudele and his Ed's staff, culinary services didn't stop or operate with reduced hours. It was just the opposite as they opened for lunch on Wednesday. It was at Ed's when I caught up with Michael Brannan, Steds sophomore, resident North Carolinian, and student trainer for ND Women's Basketball, and he shared with me the happenings and personal thoughts on the extreme weather day. 

St. Ed: Prior to coming to Notre Dame, have you ever had a snow day canceling your classes? 

Brannan: Yeah school got cancelled a couple times a year in North Carolina because when we would get an inch or two of snow everyone would freak out and the city would shut down

St. Ed: How would you describe the cold you experienced?

Brannan: The cold was absurd. The wind whipping in your face was a truly terrible feeling. 

St. Ed: With your classes cancelled, what did you do on your “Extreme Weather Day?”

Brannan: I hung out in the dorm all day with my friends, playing video games, cards, and watching movies. 

St. Ed: Should the University declare more extreme weather days?

Brannan: In my professional opinion, there are many days where the weather here requires no classes, hopefully they’ll consider that in the future.