Wednesday, December 6, 2017

A Saint Nicholas' Day...

St. Ed: Let my tree go...

... present for all is being had. Despite the recent Risk Management directive preventing all persons from any and all roofs, porticos, etc. at Notre Dame, the Steds Christmas tree will not be grounded, relegated to the first floor. Perish the thought! The Steds Christmas tree is on the move and has taken up residence in room 209. This move has allowed the tree to not only be closer to its traditional perch over the portico but also be seen by more persons who happen to walk through St. Edward's Park. On giving sanctuary to the Christmas tree, Bailey Hennes, Steds sophomore and resident of room 209, said, "With three engineers and a pre-med student living here, the tree has given us more peace than this room has seen this year. And down with tyranny... sic semper tyrannis!" while fellow sophomore and resident of 209, Seth Cattanach, said, “The 313 guys keep saying their room is better, they have a Christmas tree? I didn’t think so...”

Cattanach hosting the Steds Christmas Tree