Shaia (in brown quarter zip) celebrating the big two, one...
... been Mental Health Monday (MHM), but tonight, MHM was put on hiatus so that a celebration could be had. That's right, it was time to celebrate our MHM leader, Harry Shaia, and his birthday! It's not everyday that someone turns twenty-one! Harry was given the night off from prepping and leading MHM so he could be feted by his fellow Stedsmen with Jersey Mike's sandwiches, banter, and birthday well wishes, and thoughts about tomorrow's accounting test. Yup, Shaia has a belated birthday gift, an accounting test tomorrow. On celebrating his birthday, Shaia stated, “I can only think of one better way to celebrate my birthday than with my friends in St. Ed’s- doing so without a 7 am accounting midterm the next morning!”
Happy Birthday Harry!
To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:
... then studying at 6:30am the nest day!