Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's been a...

Sam and his dad at La Sagrada Familia... 

... busy Spring Semester, but for some Stedsmen it was a big vacation. Yes, some Stedsmen never stopped their summer vacation. How? By studying abroad of course! One such gentleman is Sam Jenkins. A native of northern Colorado, Jenkins went to Spain this spring for a three month vacation. And amid all the learning paella and sangria, what fun he had. On his time abroad, Jenkins shared, "My extended vacation called 'study abroad' was nothing short of extraordinary. New friends, laughter, and personal growth. To top it all off, my dad, Joe, met me in Barcelona before we head off to Istanbul and Greece with my mom, Kristynn, brother Ben, and sister, Claire. And for the grand finale, Jenkins men will be heading to our roots in Ireland for my cousin's bachelor party before his long awaited wedding this summer and much needed break. Go Irish!" 

... touring and taking in the sight...

... and when admiring all this...

... one has to take a break afterwards!

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