Saturday, November 5, 2022

Saturday Squirrel.

A feast before famine?

Winter is coming, and our furry friends know it. While it looks like they are frolicking in the leaves, enjoying the care free life, they are doing anything but that. No, they are busy on the look out for food stocks for those colder and leaner times that are just around the proverbial meteoritical corner. That's what our furry friends are doing on campus, and it should come as no surprise that's exactly what our furry friends are doing everywhere. And that's certainly what this squirrel, spotted in Avon By The Sea, New Jersey, was doing... preparing for the coming winter. This squirrel happened to be at the right place at the right time, spotting an ear of gently discarded corn outside the local municipal building. On getting the ear of golden corn home, our squirrel non-verbaled, "I just hit the lotto!"


To listen to this week's installment of In the Red Room on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

SoundCloud, click HERE.