Thursday, February 4, 2021

There's something new...

Crystal palace: students on display...

... on North Quad. A new structure is going up in between Breen Philips and Cavanaugh Halls. A new tent? It is, but there is something different about this tent. What's different? This tent will actually have windows. Matter of fact, all the walls will be ALL glass windows. Yes, that's right... ALL windows. In a very real way, Notre Dame will soon have its own "crystal palace." How Victorian. Still, this new window filled tent is so badly needed especially so when the other tent on North Quad has no windows and resembles an abattoir from an 80's horror movie. In the end, the crystal palace will give students one more venue to spread out and congregate in a Covid free way. On the new tent, Shane Dilbeck, Steds junior and resident Californian said, "Oh ye tents of glass precariously placed throughout Our Lady’s University. You tarp covered, wood lined 'indoor outdoor' habitats for hungering minds. How strange you look, but how useful you are. A place to come together, six feet apart, whilst sheltered from the cold. The strangeness of your shape and structure is clear, but the value that you add in this most precarious time is even clearer."

... or all out of sight.