Saturday, February 8, 2020

Saturday's Mullet.

Molyneaux: The man, the myth, the mullet

During these trying times, strength and courage for the fight can be drawn from looking to the past, particularly to one Stedsman. The one I speak of is Peter Molyneaux, Steds senior and resident Iowan. Described as impressively hideous by his father, Molyneaux's mullet and accompanying mustache and sideburns are legendary among our fighting boys. The power, the beauty, the majesty of it all leaves one speechless and malaria dead in its tracks. With the boys off at the front, I was able to catch up with this Steds legend and ask him a few questions. Here's what he had to say...

St.Ed: What do you think the wearer of a mullet is communicating to world through his hair?

Molyneaux: The mullet is a bad hairstyle, no way around it. Because of this, those of us in Steds who choose to wear it put charity before looking good. We choose to look bad for the benefit of others. Sounds like something Jesus would do to me! 

St.Ed: When you see “younglings” about campus with mullets, racing stripes, and skullets, what do you think?

Molyneaux: It makes me proud to be a member of this Hall. Although my mullet has come and gone I can see the tradition is being carried on. Nothing makes me happier 

St.Ed: Can a mullet really do anything against malaria?

Molyneaux: I am 100% convinced that, after a mosquito net of course, the mullet is the single most effective way to beat malaria into submission. No explanation required.

As our boys are fighting malaria, let's do our part in this battle and bring them and their
hairstyles back to normal! To make a donation, click HERE!