Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A white knight...

Our hero: Cook cooking it up

… enters at Ed’s! While Ed’s was closed on Sunday due to the fact that no culinary service representative (C.S.R.) was available to work, that was not the case on Tuesday. Thanks a white knight, Steds sophomore, James Cook, the door of Ed’s was opened once again. Cook heard the cries of anguish and the hunger pangs of his fellow Stedsmen, and he could not and would not allow Cook opened the door, warmed up the oven, and turned on panini machine. Such courage, such dedication, such sacrifice in such a young Stedsman! Want to know why this young Stedsman did what he did, I sought him out for a moment of his time.

St.Ed: Why did you take a step forward and open Ed’s? 

Cook: In the evening, between the hours of 9 and 12, there is nowhere I would rather be than Ed’s. 

St.Ed: While the Stedsmen are able to get their late night snack thanks to you, what do you get out of this?

Cook: During the semester I have worked at Ed’s, I have been able to get to know many of the fine Gentlemen of St. Edwards Hall. From freshmen to RA’s, it is wonderful to chat with everyone that comes in. 

St.Ed: Is Ed’s really that important to the life of Steds?

Cook: No Ed’s, no Steds! Enabling Gentlemen to nourish not just their bodies, but also their spirits through the communal aspect of food, has been an absolute delight. It is an honor and a privilege to serve my Hall by preparing an assortment of savory snacks and artisanal paninis, and I look forward to working in the next semester.