Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Moms' Weekend...

For all moms, sisters, aunts, grandmas and all special women! 

... is coming up. Yes, that favorite and special weekend for Steds is fast approaching, and sophomore Dan Rahill, Moms' Weekend Commissioner, has been busy since the fall to ensure that this event is every bit special and memorable as it was last year. Known as a stickler for detail and for his discerning tastes, many Stedsmen would agree that the weekend is in good hands with Rahill at the helm. While there has been radio silence as of late from Rahill concerning the details of the weekend, I was able to ask a few questions of him. Here's what Rahill had to say concerning Moms' Weekend 2018.

St. Ed: What is Moms’ Weekend?

Rahill: Moms' Weekend is a like a normal weekend at Notre Dame, but with our moms, better food, better company, and way more classy.... and there is NO football game.

St.Ed: Okay, it's a classy weekend, but do moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters and other honored guests really come for the weekend?

Rahill: Moms, grandmas, aunts, and sisters were all present and welcomed at last year's Moms' Weekend, and we hope that they all would attend again. This is your chance for moms to meet their sons' family away from home. 

St.Ed: I know that a copious amount of planning has been done, but is there anything different about this weekend than in previous years?

Rahill: You know, it's as they say... something new, something old, something borrowed sort of thing. Some things will be the same, but hands down, some things will just be better. All I am doing is continuing to build on the success of the former commissioners, and thanks to them, there's a lot to build on...

St.Ed: What word would you use to describe this year’s celebration?

Rahill: It's going to be a hullabaloo of a time.