Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Day Five, Six, Seven...

…eight, nine, and ten of Hall Olympics saw residents continue to battle it out through events like Know Your Roommate, haiku writing, the Rock, Paper, Scissors Challenge, and of course, the Quarter Dog (Hot Dog) Eating Contest (QDEC). Spectators saw herculean strengths, incredible wit, memorable gaffs and of course, controversy, especially with the QDEC, at these events. Still, it should be noted that the QDEC almost didn’t happen. Why? Because no one knew how to cook hot dogs!

On the near disaster, John Haley said, “The President, Brandon Ryan, and I tried a variety of approaches to make the hot dogs. We were struggling until physics and math major Ben Cote stepped in to give us a crash course in thermodynamics, and soon enough we had 50 cooked hot dogs ready for the challenge. Still yet, Nick Olmanson stepped in at the last minute to suggest using the panini press to add sear marks to the dogs, making them Olympic quality.”

In the end, the QDEC went on and served up not only adequately cooked hot dogs but also a healthy side of controversy. The competition saw none other than the Hall President and hot dog cooker, Brandon Ryan, claim the gold medal for the fourth floor. 

On the presidential win, Tom Roman, Steds Assistant Rector and third year law student, said, “How convenient. The President wins again. Huzzah. The Hall Olympics Committee needs to open an immediate investigation, leaving no stone, or hot dog, unturned. And I don’t care if I see grill marks on top because what’s on the other side of that dog? Sadly, we may never know.” 

When pressed on the matter, an unnamed Olympic committee official offered a rebuttal saying, “Bribes? What do you mean bribes? I found that $100 on the sidewalk!”  

Nick Olmanson (L) giving the dogs a more "authentic" appearance 

Andrew Noble making a "noble" effort

Brandon Ryan (L) and Brooks Meadowcroft (R) squaring off