Friday, October 7, 2016

A star is...

Kirby, Kelly, Davis, Schaffer

...born! Well, several stars from Steds were made when the Observer photographer took the above photo at Domerfest during Welcome Week. As you can imagine, it was difficult tracking all four of them down; however, I was able to wrangle of one, Jack Davis. Here's what he had to say about his recent, or "past" recent, fifteen minutes of fame.

St. Ed: It has come to my attention that you and several other Steds freshmen graced the front page of the Observer, matter of fact, the very first edition of this school year. What were you feeling when you saw yourself of the cover?

Davis: I was just glad the publishers decided to exclude the picture of the four of us bowing to the camera. If that was the case I wouldn't have saved a copy- even for my mom. 

St. Ed: Some have said you were just an easy target to snap a photo. Others have said you never shy away from a photo. But seriously, why do you think the photographer took a picture of you and the others at Domerfest? 

Davis: It was either our shiny plastic crowns or our strong aura of freshman-aloofness. 

St. Ed: Landing on the front page of Observer is quite an accomplishment for such a young student. How do you keep all this publicity from going to your head?

Davis: I just have to be grateful for it. I could fail all of my upcoming exams, but hey, I was on the front page of the Observer.