Saturday, May 4, 2024

Saturday squirrel.

Doing a bit of gardening 

Our furry friends are back. With spring warming up, our furry friends are out and about doing whatever they do. Sometimes you catch them doing, well, you don't what they are doing. And that was case recently behind St. Ed's as this squirrel was tending to the undergrowth. Searching for something, this squirrel was only visible by his tail which protruded from the green undergrowth. What was he looking for? Who knows. But whatever he was doing, he was doing with great rigor and determination. On being spotted in the green undergrowth, this squirrel non-verbaled, well, nothing because he did not know he had been spotted!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.