Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday squirrel.

A not so fancy feast

Except when it comes to muffin tops and bottoms, our furry friends are not choosey. Whatever can be shared, they'll take it... and probably more. Extra Chick-Fil-A sauce? Sure, why not. A discarded apple core? Are you kidding me, yes please! Trail mix? Please do share. And that was certainly the case with this squirrel spotted on North Quad. Crossing the quad, this squirrel was seen with a discarded, half eaten hamburger bun. And despite it being a bit stale, it appeared to be a welcomed treat. On eating a discarded bun, this squirrel non-verbaled, "It's great, really. It's wasn't in the trash... it was on top of the trash."

Everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, takes a break and will return next week with great Steds stories and even a couple of laughs too.