Wednesday, March 23, 2022

They are...

Rauch and Storch are smiling...

... the champions! To surprise of many, an upstart freshmen duo won the Hall's pool tourney. Tourney Dark horses for sure, these freshmen, Dane Storch and Louis Rauch, quickly emerged as a pool powerhouse, taking down their older and more experienced competitors, and landing themselves in the finals. Despite all the late night practicing in the Billards Room and all the distractions during the final game, nothing could shake the focus nor disrupt the "A game" play that these two freshmen were throwing down. But less the achievement of Storch and Rauch be forgotten like an early morning calculus lecture, a plaque for the Billards Room was created to commemorate forever their victory as well as all the victories of future pool tourney players. 

But there's more...

But the all glory cannot go to the victors because others have a legitimate claim on some of it too. Who? Well, the Stedsman who organized the tourney! And so, John DiLella, organizer of the event signed the back of the plaque. Writing a brief ditty for posterity, DiLella's scribblings only added to the history and mystique of the plaque. On having a plaque to immortalize winners, John DiLella shared, "A legacy of billiards excellence may have been born with the victory of Louis and Dane in the First St. Edward's Hall Pool Tournament, but we can't forget the one who came up with the idea in the first place. My contributions, though vital, shall remain in the background, forever behind the scenes and behind the plaque, until the day I can rip it off the wall and go 'I told you so!' to my confused children." 

... and DiLella is smiling too!

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room...

on SoundCloud, click HERE.

on Spotify, click HERE.

on iTunes, click HERE.

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