Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Just in time...

Now, go out there and win!

... for tonight's game! The timing couldn't be more perfect. The Steds soccer jerseys, for its two teams, Steds A and Big Cats (Steds B), arrived just in time for their first games of the season. Designed by senior Kyle Rubin, these jerseys are more than just "talk of the pitch" as they really do capture and reflect the espirt de corp of the Steds quads. In the traditional colors of St. Ed's, gold and green, the uniform has a slight, almost unnoticeable, pattern of alternating dark and light green horizontal stripes, with the player's number and the St. Ed's crown in gold. Rounding out the Steds kit are matching shorts and socks. With these uniforms, regardless of the final score on board, Steds will always be winners... in victory and defeat... as only Steds can do. On being the first to get new uniform, Nathan Biergans, sophomore and resident Michigander, said, "As I first felt the fabric made of the finest silk my adrenaline began to surge as I anticipated representing the fine Gentlemen of St Edward’s Hall!"

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room...

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