Thursday, June 18, 2020

Don't get...

Luca: fish on...

... lost in the Amazon. Always good advice, but Stedsman, Luca Marini, native Brazilian and rising sophomore, wasn't worried. Why? Because Luca's fishing expedition deep in the Amazon Rainforest was led by local Indians. Thanks to their knowledge, Luca went right to the hotspots for various fish. Even though Luca knew where to go, he did not know how long it would take to actually catch a fish. Truth be known, catching one fish could take hours... and for some, it actually did. On the fishing, Marini said, "One of the more memorable fish I caught was this beautiful tucunaré (peacock bass, see below) while bait cast fishing. It was the 35th that day, which explains my tired face. Still, after struggling for 30 minutes, I was finally able to catch this 80 lbs pirarara (Amazonian catfish, see above). It was the first fish caught that afternoon, hence the smile.

... and fish on he did.