Friday, May 29, 2020

We may be...

Steds mom teaching and styling at the same time!

... quarantining, but it does not mean we throw everything to the wind! That is certainly the mentality that Betsy Vogel, mother of Stedsmen Peter '12 and Edward '17 Vogel, has as she continues to remotely teach her fifth grade in Orange, Connecticut  While her teaching may happen over the internets, it does not mean Betsy is dialing it in with an unkempt and slovenly appearance as if she rolled right out of bed and straight into the virtual classroom.  On contrary, she's dialing it in and looking, as Father Sorin would say, trés chic. Trés chic indeed because Betsy is wearing a couture hat from Steds spring apparel line of 2017. And in the process, the kids are getting schooled not just in the fundamentals but also the fundamentals of looking good! It's the proverbial win-win. On wearing her Steds couture hat, Betsy said, "Some may say I am wearing this hat because I had a "bad hair day" or wanted the attention of "socially distanced onlookers." But I tell you they are all wrong. I did for the kids!"