Thursday, March 19, 2020

What did they do...

Detroit never looked so good: Smith, Moriarty, Dilbeck, and Walsh

... over Spring Break? Yes, what did our Stedsmen do over break? Well, today we have a Spring Break story from our Steds sophomores. Taking their leave from Hall and campus, these four sophomores, Jacob Smith, Brendan Moriarty, Shane Dilbeck, and Jared Walsh, traveled north to America's "Motor City," Detroit. Staying in the Metro area, the group took in all that Detroit had to offer, and when there was nothing more to be had, they ventured to what some have referred to as "America's fifty-first state," Canada. Crossing the Detroit River on Ambassador Bridge, they went to Windsor, Canada's playground. On the venture to Detroit and beyond, Dilbeck, penned a poem and wrote... 

The Detroit River was sparking as coronavirus spread.

After heading to Caesar’s Windsor we were all in the red. 

We made some new friends while in the Canadian town, 

When Alex left early it made us all frown. 

That being said, the vacation was still fun. 

You know it’s a good trip when a global pandemic can’t cloud the Windsor sun.